Thursday, March 29, 2007

Sorting Blueberries

Lois Templeton Klingbeil, 2002


Kurt fells a hemlock, extending the lawn area west, 2002.

Scuba with the dogs

Rick Bucker offers a tutorial to Kendra Lahut, while pups play.

Moving dirt

Kendra and Grandpapa Kurt share a bit of dirt under the fingernails.

Gone Fishin'

Papa with Kendra Lahut and Scott Klingbeil, of North Carolina, after an afternoon on Green Lake

Picnic on Stoner Island

Water adventure on the island in the middle of Canada Lake in 1985. Kurt has grilled lunch, with Lois, Carol holding Rooney over her shoulder, Tim, and Barbara at the picnic table. Ben Lamm squeezes mustard, while Matthew and Amy pause in front of the blueberry can.


Monarch butterfly chrysalises require careful sorting by Grandma and Barbara with help from Matthew.


Firewood warms you more than twice: the final release is certainly by burning. Kurt and Tom harvest a tree which was felled into the lake, then towed by powerboat to the lawn for sectioning into logs for splitting.


After a morning of preaching to the Gloversville Baptist Church, Sunday afternoons were often spent at the swampy area known to Kurt's family as "Klingbeil's Folly"

Kurt and Lois on Green Lake